I’m BrOKen: Your Words carry weight, a PSA on Chronic illness and Depression/Suicide

Hello Fibro Warriors, please share. It would be truly appreciated! You may save a life, and that’s no small feat.
Here it is! The secret project we’ve been working on. It’s a PSA on chronic illness, Depression, and Suicide – ‘I’m BrOKen: Your words carry weight’
It’s the most needed time of year, for this message to be heard. So please, help me get this 5 sharing it with EVERYONE and EVERYWHERE! This has been a long time coming. Thank you all so much! 🦋
Because your words carry weight
You are not aloneand neither am I!
Love you all 💜💋MJ
You may share the original post from my FB page
FIBRO Warrior, My New Normalhere 👇

My New Health “Friends”

Ok… so you all know how I remind you to “Love Yourselves First!” Well, I have to remind myself of this as well at times. These pics are a collage made up of moments/experiences, that I have enjoyed, like my FWmnn podcasts/blogs/vlogs, acting/improv, ‘Tales with Nana MJ’, a lil Bday vaca to the Grand Canyon with My Love and his side of the family, my Rosy boa “Baby,” a trip Carlsbad beach with My Love, and of course precious time with my granddaughters. I’m thankful to have had these times, where I’m able to feel contented and happy. Here’s just some of those special moments over the last year. A lil bit of me all wrapped into one.

Just me, myself and I 🦋💜

This past week (since Mon) had put me into a momentary tailspin. A lot going on… As I may have mentioned, I had to have a biopsy done on my uterus/ovaries recently. Now, I need another even more invasive biopsy done next month because the last one came back as unusual, possibly pre-cancer. While there, we checked my BP 3×; once even manually, and additionally discovered that I have extremely high blood pressure, 170/110 – which is the high end of Hypertension stage 2, just below Hypertension crisis, which is 180/120 and extremely dangerous. I’m not far from that, as you can see, and in danger of a heart attack/stroke. So this has been a very stressful week, to say the least. I was handling all of the news, with that “smile” we have all learned to embrace, and my sweet Dr even commented on how well I was taking it all in. I said, “I have to smile. Its what keeps me sane. If I dont, Ill cry!” She said she understood my thought process. She is very gracious and warm, with the sweetest, most soothing voice; which definitely doesn’t hurt in these types of situations. She urged me to go directly to my GP; another Dr I’m so thankful to have that truly listens and cares. But because of the holiday, they had closed the office at 3p. That was it, “The straw that broke the camels back!” So to speak. I was holding it all together until I wasn’t… The tears came rolling down my cheeks in an instant! Why!?! Another health issue? Don’t I have enough of them to deal with already? Funny thing about that… there is no quota! As we’ve all come to discover at some point, during this long ass journey, with an unending supply of surprises, and not the fun kind, that come with cake and ice cream, nope not that; it’s the kind that comes with more poking and proding.
Now that Thanksgiving is in tow, everything is going to be closed, so I have to wait until the following Mon to address my newest friend; Hypertension stage 2. So what to do now? This news didn’t exactly decrease my BP by any means. So after much contemplation and talking with my bestie Kelly, we agreed that Xanax might be a good choice for now. She knows how I hate to take meds, but she was correct in suggesting it. So I’m taking half of a Xanax when I get up, and the other half at night, before bed. I had noticed the increasing BP over the last few months, but I thought it may just be “White coat syndrome,” so I didn’t question it. I should have, in hindsight, because I’ve had on occassion, chest tightening, irregular heart rythym, and a couple moments where my heart felt like it tried to jump out of my chest; once while sleeping (that scared me a bit), and once while awake.
There are only two more days now to see my GP, and hopefully, I’ll get my BP under control quickly, as I have a trip coming up. I’m going to see my sister, her hubby, my five nieces and nephews, and my bio dad (just found them all 6yrs ago, and dad has dementia), my bother in-law, my sis in-law, and my lil nephew; in Florida for a week, and then in Maryland; I’ll see my aunt’s, uncles, and cousins, whom I haven’t seen for many long years, so I’m way past due getting to see them.
I’m anxious about being in airports… the plane ride, no problem, but the airports, ugh! But I’m staying focussed on the good stuff; being able to spend quality time with family, enjoying meaningful conversations with my many amazing fibro friends/family, and having an awesome man in my life. Im thankful for you all!
Youre not aloneand neither am I!
Love you all 💜💋MJ
*I want to mention My Love Bill, who is the reason I get to go on this wonderful trip. He takes care of me like no other. He is my rock, my world, my moon, and my stars! He’s going to forego this trip, to stay and work his butt off, to complete a goal he’s set for himself at work. Get that bonus, baby. I believe in you! 😍

My Love Bill and I 💜

My two sons, my two granddaughters, and my daughter in law 💜

Ever Changing

Me, when it all began…
I haven’t had a chance to really just LIVE. I’ve thought about my life constantly, trying to figure out how to navigate through it, with each thing I’ve endured. Abuse (molestation/emotional), obstacles, disappointments, losses, and, of course, my illness. If I had known what was wrong with me long ago, from the beginning, things could have been different, I’m sure of that. Different good, who knows, but different none the less.
If I continued to look back, wishing that things could have turned out more positively, I would never enjoy anything. It’s been a long journey, but I’m learning to let the past stay where it is, little by little. That I can not change it, or the people involved. I can only forgive, accept, and find peace within myself. I’m not saying things won’t crop up occasionally. Of course, they will, and they do, but I can say that I am a better person for learning to let it all go.
This has taken me decades… I’m 48yrs old now, and I have no idea what kind of timeline I have left. I can only make the best of whatever it is and appreciate it. Finding the good that’s still there, making amends whenever needed, and enjoying the little things even more. Realizing that you can not change others. But you can change how you perceive them, and on occasion, that’s all you really need; just a new perspective.
I work hard on myself, my FWmnn, and my want to have good relationships with my loved ones. On occasion, I’m overwhelmed, distracted, and just simply too tired and in pain, yet I still try to give it my best. In others’ eyes, that may not be enough. But we can not count on them to react the way we’d like. That’s just not practical, nor logical. None of us think or feel exactly alike, so expecting that from someone is just a letdown waiting to happen. I promise you.
So, all you can actually do is your BEST. That will have to be enough. Stop blaming yourself for everything. Each encounter you have has one of our more personalities involved, and every outcome will be different. If you take that same conversation and replace just one personality, just one, then the outcome will never be the same. If you realize and accept this reasoning, you will find some relief and even some happiness.
You are responsible for yourself. If you know you are doing the right thing, have the resolution to stand by your decisions. We are all imperfect beings, so we all make mistakes. Spend less time pointing fingers and more time on improving yourself. You will be a happier “You,” even if no one else changes. I can tell you this from experience.
Love yourself first! Yes, as selfish as that sounds, it is the right thing to do. Then everything else will eventually fall into place; it seems brighter, easier, and much more pleasant.

*On a side note,
I had just attended my Palm Springs High School 30yr Class Reunion. I was excited, yet having some trepidation, thinking I may be too overwhelmed by it all. I think I’ve healed my mind and soul so much that I had the confidence and courage to just be me. Needless to say, I enjoyed myself immensely. I had amazing conversations with old, as well as new friends I made that night. My Love Bill and I went with Mona; my best friend from high school, whom I have remained friends with over all of these years. I was lucky to have her in my life then, and even now. Never an argument nor disagreement between us, just friendship, love, and respect. We all enjoyed ourselves, and I’m so happy we went. Although I am still paying for it now. So damn tired and aching, but so worth it!
Enjoy life, in any way you can. We’ll never know when our last day is near, until that moment comes. Make your existence count, even if it’s in the smallest of ways.
You are not alone… and neither am I!
Love you all 💜💋 MJ

My Heart Aches…

I’m extremely sensitive to these tragedies. It breaks me down at times. This is one of those times…
This massacre was very close to home. Just a 3 1/2 hour drive for us, when we visit for a few days to just get away…
My heart goes out to all of those impacted by this horrific tragedy. Friends, family, lives lost, many injured, both physically and mentally. Sunday was unnerving… heart wrenching. I watched it unfold from afar, as a friend reached out from Vegas for help, asking for info on the shooting from the outside looking in.
We fear,
The unknown.
Tragedy strikes,
Twisting, turning,
Hearts torn,
Souls damaged.
Falling further,
Darker, deeper,
Into abyss.
Wake up,
Eyes opened,
Crimson tides,
Ever flowing.
Too much,
Too many,
Too often.
Daylight came,
Darkness prevailed.
There’s light,
Tiny reflections.
Our humanity,
Still within.
Hands, hearts,
Reaching, holding,
Reminding us,
There’s hope.
There is,
Still hope…
-MJ Aragon
This is dedicated to my sweet friend Mary Kennedy. I’m here if you need me. My heart goes out to you 💞
You are not aloneand neither am I!
Love you all 💜💋MJ


Broken, yet Beautiful…

We are broken, yet beautiful

Beautiful expressions,

of whom we once were,

ever evolving within,

art, music, literature.

Indeed fractured,

yet strong, so resilient,

filled with emotion.

Hearts on our sleeves,

too huge to camouflage,

beneath our flesh.

Vulnerable platforms,

purging ourselves,

of what lies within.

Imperfect beings,

Hearts too full,

Feelings so raw,

Minds still misunderstood…

MJ Aragon

You are not alone

and neither am I!

Love you all 💜💋MJ
FIBRO WARRIOR, My New Normal link:

Our Life is Filled with Half Days

I came across this question, on another group I admin for. They asked, “Does anyone else have half days?”Meaning they run out of energy after only a few hours of being up/awake.

The spoon theory really comes into effect here, and this is my takeaway from it. We have to ration ourselves… decide what’s most important to accomplish each day, knowing our reserve is low. Do I take a shower, or do I do laundry, or dishes, or clean, or run errands, or decide to eat at a restaurant or at home; if I go to a restaurant, I’ll have to do some driving but no cooking or clean up, if I eat at home, I’ll have to cook and then I may be too tired to wash all of the dishes, so maybe I’ll just make soup, that’s easy enough; so then maybe I’ll have some energy left to read a book, nope, the book is too heavy and my hands hurt, so maybe I’ll just listen to an audio book or music. Everything we do, no matter how simple it may seem, steals a lil bit of energy from us, so shaving in the shower may have to wait, because you’ll need the energy to wash your hair. Yes, those minor things have become less than minor for us. Something the average person could not ever comprehend.

So if you need that nap, take it, our bodies need it, and we all know that sleep, REAL sleep, is so very damn hard to come by! Never feel guilty for what you can or can’t do! We each have our own limits, and this illness has six stages. So, you do “You” the best you know how! We are stronger than we appear, and our strengths come in many forms. We just have to navigate through them a lil’ more creatively 💜
Apologies, that turned into a bit of a rant, Haha! 🦋

You are not alone! Love you all 💞💋 MJ
Christine Miseradino’s article ‘The Spoon Theory: http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com
I share her article on my podcast. Here is the link for Episode #25 “The Spoon Theory” on YouTube:


Climate Changing

Both politically and environmentally, our climate has changed. If you deny global warming, you have to ask yourself, “Why?” If you think that it’s not your job to help those in need, again ask yourself.“Why?” I love helping others. It’s what I do, and I do it gladly. Doesn’t it feel good to help a friend in need, or to clean up your neighborhood, or to help educate others? The answer is most likely a resounding “Yes!” Doing good deeds, give us endorphins, and we all know what a great feeling that can be.

I am in fear for our future. More so, my childrens and grandchildrens future. What will be left for them? Will our government make things even worse than they already are? Will people kill each other over their beliefs even more freely, will Mother Nature have her way and finally destroy us all? It’s not unlikely! Fires, earthquakes, floods, tornados, hurricanes… Is this not a clear warning that we need to get our shit together!?! We can all make a difference, and yes, it’s a small difference if only one person chooses to… but, if we all try just a lil’ more fervently, we can at least put a few speed bumps in the middle of what is happening to our world. We are all accountable for what has become of this big blue marble, ALL of us! If we continue to turn a blind eye and think to ourselves, “This doesnt impact me. or, “What is my effort worth? or, “Im just one person, thats not going to make any difference!You are sadly mistaken! It does impact YOU, your EFFORT is worth saving lives, and yes, ONE person will make a difference because each ONE adds up to many.

I have avoided the news and politics most of my life because they weigh heavily on me. I take too much on, and that eventually impacts my health. I worry, a lot… about everyone, and everything! So it is important that I take these issues on with ease. But, right now, it’s NOT about me. It’s about my family and friends all over the world, dealing with disasters both environmentally and politically! I’m in heartbreak right now over our countries state of being. The ugliness that is erupting from all sides is deplorable! And yes, some are light years WORSE than others. I’m not here to point fingers right now, but I am here to say this…

Please, do your part! No matter how small or how big, just DO something. The hatred needs to F’n stop! Love is what I choose. So, show a lil compassion, clean up your environment, help out those in need, recycle some things, stop putting yourself above others; we are equals, use a lil less water, show why your side is good; without belittling the other, drive less and ride a bike/walk more, enjoy nature instead of sitting on your computer/phone all day, reach out to loved ones more, pick up that trash on the ground; and place it in the right receptacle, donate to a good cause, say “HI” to your neighbor or call your cashier by name (they’ll smile, I promise), and just be a better YOU overall. If each of us did our part to be BETTER people, the world around us could be a better place to live. These are small things I’ve suggested because starting with the small things makes the larger things more accessible; hence, it is viewed as possible instead of impossible.

Lovehughelp… one another!
It’s easier than you think, and it will change you… It will change you in amazing and wonderful ways! This I know. So let’s all Love not Hate, have Compassion not Disillusionment, Lift Up not Tear Down, and we will become better people, whom will leave a better climate, both politically and environmentally, for our children, and our children’s children.
It all begins here. Join me, please!

You are not alone! Love you all 💜💋MJ
#FIBROWarriorMyNewNormal Facebook:

A Poem – “Every Day”

I have to work so hard
Every day
For something that comes
So easily
For many others…
To be “Happy
It’s an object, on a pedestal
A light that’s just out of reach
A feeling that I’ve yet to master
And a word that has lost its meaning…
Yet, I try and try
To be worthy of this object
To reach this light
To master this feeling
To reevaluate its meaning…
Every day
Every day
Every damn day!
-MJ Aragon

“Why do we have Fibromyalgia?”

Pain/Fibro, Childhood/Adult PTSD, Depression, Anxiety…
Here is the short version, for most of us…
When we are quite young and have traumatic events occur in our lives, our brains are still developing at that point. So anything like physical/mental/sexual abuse, surgeries, accidents, etc., causes a change in the way our brain develops. Once altered, it is unable to function normally as it should. So we are often left with ongoing issues like childhood/adult PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and Fibro; and for some of us, much more.
Me: at around 3 or 4yrs old, I’m guessing… about the time my abuse began.
We go through life after that, often questioning and/or blaming ourselves for everything that we go through or that happens to us. In reality, we are left to feel inadequate because of the traumas we’ve endured through no fault of our own. But because this has all been SO misunderstood, we took it ALL on ALONE, in most cases; which comes with its own set of guilt rendering issues. Those around us can not ever truly understand what that is like. We can only hope that they will empathize with and love us for who WE ARE, not what illnesses we have.

Love yourself first. The rest will fall into place.
Because of all that we’ve been through…
I know that you are stronger and more loving for it! It is people like us that make our former selves (others now going through what we have) feel less alone, understood, and loved because we have truly been where they are.
*This post was inspired by a conversation I just had with a fellow Fibro Warrior named Rosa Elena. I love it when someone asks the questions that inspire me to write posts like this. Thank you!
You are not alone! Love you all 💜💋MJ
*This is what I’ve discovered and purely my opinion, after tireless researching, medical articles, medical videos, as well as my own questions proposed to others in my FIBRO groups.
*I neglected to add this when I originally wrote my blog, and it is important that I do. That is, a trauma in any form; physical, mental, viral, can happen to you at any time in your life, and cause this illness. The younger you are (5yrs old or younger if I’m not mistaken), the more issues you will likely have to endure. If you have a family member that has Fibro, it’s more likely that a trauma you suffer may cause you to also have Fibro. Examples: A car accident, having a baby whether naturally or by c-section, having a bad viral infection, an accident that caused damage to any part of your body, losing a loved one, loss of a job that caused you to lose or almost lose everything else, verbal abuse, physical abuse, molestation, rape; these are all types of trauma, and I believe it is the trauma that originates the symptoms. Doctors need to look deeper, into our Brians and Spines (Vagus Nerve), because most of the damage we endure is effected by those two areas, and because they are connected to every tissue/organ from our skin inward, it is where I think the key to our illness lies. And I will search tirelessly to find it, even if my own body has to be the guinea pig. If you’ve suffered any of these types of trauma and need help, talk to your Dr and see a therapist. I know not everyone cares for that idea, but talking about what you’ve been through can help if you allow them to, and most of all, be completely honest with them. They need the truth to help you heal. 🦋

The purple haired FIBRO WARRIOR

“My Letter to You” 

My Dear Fellow Fibro Warriors
“Darling, I am so sorry…”
•Yes “sorry“, we use this word too often, I’m aware. But I truly feel that way, when I’ve missed something, or someone’s cry for help. I try to remember everyone, and reach out when I can, but alas, I am only one person, so I miss things unintentionally, and then inevitably I feel terrible, when I’ve discovered that I have…
“I wanted to see what was going on with you? I know you and I are not the best pals and that the distances between us are great, but please know that I’m here for you if you need a non-judgemental ear and/or shoulder.”
•That’s what we should do for each other, because not everyone will.
“No one, shares their true selves on social media, it’s let’s “keep up with the Joneses,” or “one upping,” or just simply putting a “pretty mask” over what we are all really dealing with. I am a private person, and I have only recently been able to share the truth with everyone on my FWmnn podcasts/blogs. It is with much trepidation that I share some things, especially when it comes to my children. That’s the toughest and most heartbreaking thing to share. But I know that sharing those things, can help others, as well as allow them to see that I am true and trustworthy, because in this climate and social media nonsense, people feel more disconnected than ever!”
•Our truths shall set us free…
“I feel what you are going through; been there, and I can’t honesty say, I will never be there again, because we just don’t really know what life will throw our way, at any given moment. Life is a crap shoot, and we just have to figure out how to navigate through this rocky terrain.”
•During our journeys, there will be flat/straight roads, but we should be here for each other during all of them, especially the toughest terrains. That’s when those less experienced will fall to the wayside.
“I hope that you haven’t let those less than worthy people in your life have any more of an impact than they F’n deserve! You are YOU, and no one can understand your trials and tribulations more than we can. You have to be knee deep in the crap, before you could even begin to have a concept of what strength it truly takes, to pull yourself up and out; when after all, it would be so much easier to just give in or give up! On my darkest days… I have to WORK to stay present, to stay around for my loved ones, whether they believe me, believe in me, or not. It’s so tormenting to know that the ones you love the most could seemingly care less. We have to climb up and out every day because our illnesses, etc., tear us down and try to put us under every night. I know how strong you are, and not just as a “woman” or a “man“, but as a person, whom tries to take on the world, helping those they can, while trying to stay possitive, sane, happy… all by ourselves.”
•We all try so hard to be present. So be proud of yourselves!
“You are not alone. You are loved, and I am here for you; if and when you need me. Love and hugs to you all, my darlings!”

“FYI, please feel free to share this with anyone because I am not afraid to speak my mind, nor share my thoughts with others! Remember to…
Be open, feel free to cry when you need, and then be the strong person we know we are!” 💋 💜 MJ
•This was mostly a message I had sent to a friend the other day, who is struggling like we are. But after writing it, I realized that this is how I feel for, and about, all of you! So this letter/message is to all of my fellow Fibro Warriors, young, old, male, female, every race, religion, orientation, etc., I am here, I love you, and with open arms I embrace you. You are my family, and you are truly not alone! Love you all 💜💋MJ

Recieved the new canvas of my logo! 💜